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Reviews of Jiankou Great Wall Hikes
1. "Great Hiking Trips Everytime!"
Bernard Kao from Montreal, Canada
I took the 1 day Gubeikou - Winding Dragon Great Wall; the 1 day Huanghuacheng Great Wall; and a 1 day at Jiankou Great Wall. I want more.
    The prices are fair, the tour guide, Sonia, is very knowledgeable, professional, a keen hiker and always enthusiastic.
    Do yourself a favor; explore the Great Wall with China Travellers to one of the remote areas it proposes. With small groups and practically no tourists at all once there, you will have the feeling you are hiking to another era: the real China.

2. "Unforgetable Hiking at Jiankou Great Wall"
Hans from Germany
Even though I would describe myself as a pretty well travelled and experienced hiker who have seen and wandered along a not all to insignificant amount of hiking trails I would say that, in comparison with my earlier hiking experience, going to Jiankou Great Wall with Sonia stands out as one of the most singular hikes that I’ve ever been to.
    I agree with what one of the earlier reviewers said about the intentions that people have behind selling a product and not so much to what the product actually contains. I didn’t believe there existed tour guides like Sonia before I met her. She is a truly unique - not the least in terms of the passion that she puts into her guiding and the care she shows for the people, which go on her hikes. If I someone would ask me about what the ideal tour guide would be like, I would simply say "like Sonia".
   As to Jiankou Great Wall, I never believed that another so completely different side of China could be so close to the commotion and smog of Beijing CBD. The scenery is truly singular and just the fact that you don’t have to deal with the usual Badaling-amount of tourists adds a lot of value. Actually, during one whole day of constant hiking we met a total number of ZERO other hikers! If you’re looking for some truly extraordinary hiking in one of the most beautiful natural settings you possibly could imagine - than I guess a hike with Sonia to Jiankou Great Wall is what you’re looking for.

3. "A Good Choice for Real Hiking"
Magnus from Stockholm, Sweden
I went with China Travellers a couple of times last summer (2011) and I only have positive things to say about the spots chosen for hiking and about the staff, which I found most knowledgeable and friendly. I went to four different places in total: Jiankou, Changyu, Xiangshuihu and Gubeikou. From a hiking point of view I would describe Jiankou as the most challenging one (however, it wont be any problem to cope with as long as you are at least average fit), but also the most imposing one. The scenery is completely stunning and I especially remember one morning seeing the clouds flowing over the Wall and into the valley where we were staying. The sceneries at Changyu and Xiangshuiyu are also most imposing and in all aspects better than the tourist crowded sections around Badaling. I remeber having most pleasant experiences from both places with not all to strenous hiking. In comparison with the aforementioned places, Gubeikou can be described as more relaxing and should certainly be higher up on your list if you don’t have all to much hiking experience. I myself brought a couple a books and spent one of the days there almost completely with reading.

4. “A wonderful 10km hike on the Great Wall”
Steven Cook from United States
Sonia is a wonderful guide. She took the three of us on a 10km hike on the Great Wall. Her knowledge of the area was terrific, her English was wonderful, and she was very personable--we all talked throughout our 5 hour hike. She also arranged all of the transportation and a wonderful meal following the hike. My daughter, her friend, and I had a very enjoyable time. We highly recommend her to anyone who wants to get outside and explore the Great Wall.

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