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Reviews of 3-day Great Wall hiking tours
Sonia was our guide for three days in Beijing and hiring her was the smartest thing that we did on our entire trip. She took us to an unrestored part of the great wall and we hiked with no one around. It was fantastic. She is enthusiastic, her English is excellent and she customized our tour perfectly. She took us to authentic restaurants with excellent food and not another tourist in sight. Our first experience with Tours by Locals could not have been better...
Reviews of 2-day Great Wall hiking tours
I visited the Great Wall on the 1st of January this year. Sonia took me to hike the West and East Huanghuacheng area of the wall. I have to say that I had so much fun and it was very rewarding going hiking on the wall with someone like Sonia who also have passion for hiking. I had great time having her as my hiking buddy/guide, her knowledge of the wall is quite extensive and we shared a lot of fun stories while we did the hike. She also took my family and I the day after to the Mutianyu wall as my parents cant do the big hike...
Reviews of Chenjiabao Great Wall
As someone who lives day-to-day in a busy Chinese metropolis, I really couldn't recommend the chance to explore China's peaceful yet spectacular countryside with China Travellers enough. The same goes for anyone visiting Beijing who just fancies a day away from the crowds that mass around the usual tourist hubs. Two days ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Sonia (who runs China Travellers) for the first time. She was the ideal hiking companion in many ways...
Reviews of Lotus Pond Great Wall to Mutianyu Great Wall Hikes
I was in Beijing on a short trip on my own and only had a day to see the Great Wall. I read about China Travellers on Trip Advisor and booked a hike from Lotus Pond to Mutianyu Great Wall Hike in advance of my trip. On the day I met Sonia but the other hikers we were supposed to be meeting didn't show up. I was concerned that we would have to cancel the hike, as Sonia had informed me beforehand that we could only go ahead with a minimum of 3 people to make it worthwhile for them...
Reviews of Huanghuacheng Great Wall Hikes
I took the 1 day Huanghuacheng hike and it more than exceeded my expectations. The location was pristine, untouched and Sonia and I were practically the only people on the wall. The Great Wall really lived up to its reputation as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This beautiful location would not have been great if it wasn't for Sonia. She pre-empted all my needs and addressed them with great professionalism...
Reviews of Jiankou Great Wall Hikes
Even though I would describe myself as a pretty well travelled and experienced hiker,who have seen and wandered along a not all to insignificant amount of hiking trails I would say that, in comparison with my earlier hiking experience, going to Jiankou Great Wall with Sonia stands out as one of the most singular hikes that I’ve ever been to. I agree with what one of the earlier reviewers said about the intentions that people have behind selling a product and not so much to what the product actually contains...
Reviews of Great Wall Camping and Mountain Camping
I decided quiet spontaniously, that I wanted to go on a Great Wall Camping and Hiking Tour... None of the tours I found online fitted well, but then I found CHINA TRAVELLERS! Sonia´s English is very good, she designed a tour 100% to our wishes, adjusted the schedule, gave very good advice and was just so flexible and helpful that we managed to organize everything within a day...
Reviews of the Great Wall Hikes
With her heavy duty walking stick and excellent language skills, Sonja radiates professionalism. She is an excellent guide for exploring the paths less trodden in the foothills and valleys of Beijing province. My desire was to experience a part of the Great Wall where there were no other tourists. Her choice of destination featured a stretch of the Wall connecting a series of lonely watch towers surrounded by impressive countryside approximately 90 minutes from Beijing. I found her to be knowledgeable not only about the history of the region, but also the flora and fauna...
Reviews of Gubeikou Great Wall Hikes
Sonia of China Travellers is an outstanding tour guide, very knowledgeable and her prices are extremely fair. I participated in the "Winding Dragon Great Wall" hike, which exceeded my expectations in every way. This section of the Great Wall is located 120 km from Beijing in a rural farming area. There were very few tourists and most of them locals not foreigners. You will see the wall in its natural unreconstructed state...
Reviews of Jinshanling to Simatai West Great Wall Hike
After dreaming about walking the Great Wall since I was in third grade, Sonia made that dream a reality! Last week Sonia took myself, my husband and our son, for a day hike to Jingshangling. It was about 2 hours outside of Beijing, and we hardly saw any other hikers on the wall. Sonia came prepared with tons of waters and walking sticks for everyone. Some of our travel plans had changed just days before the hike, so were indecisive about our Great Wall plans, but Sonia rolled with our changes like a trouper...
Reviews of Hikes around Beijing
Our family went on a private tour of three ancient villages outside of Beijing, and had a wonderful time. We spent the entire day hiking and enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by a family in one of the villages. This is a great way to see a part of China that is off the beaten tourist path. Sonia is an amazing guide - she is passionate about the outdoors and is so knowledgeable...
Reviews of Great Wall Trekking
My adult daughter and I recently went on a 5 day hiking trip with China Travellers to the Great Wall. I have previously hiked in various parts of the world and this trip was one of the best experiences of my lifeOur initial enquiries were all answered promptly and clearly. Sonia devised a flexible itinerary tailored for us. All costs were clearly stated up front and there were no hidden extras. More accurately, the extras were all in our favour because Sonia added many kindnesses...
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