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Jinshanling to Simatai West Great Wall Hike (Autumn)
Jinshanling to Simatai West Great Wall Hike
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Jinshanling Great Wall to Simatai West Great Wall Hiking (Oct 13)
Huanghuacheng Lakeside Great Wall Hiking and Natural Park Visit (Oct 15)
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Chenjiapu/ Chen Castle Wild Great Wall Hiking (Oct 17)
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Gubeikou Ancient Winding Dragon Great Wall Hiking (Oct 19)
Jinshanling Great Wall to Simatai West Great Wall Hiking (Oct 20)
Huanghuacheng Lakeside Great Wall Hiking and Natural Park Visit (Oct 22)
Chenjiapu/ Chen Castle Wild Great Wall Hiking and Camping (Oct 24/25)
Chenjiapu/ Chen Castle Wild Great Wall Hiking (Oct 24)
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Gubeikou Ancient Winding Dragon Great Wall Hiking (Oct 26)
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